The other day I told you all about my free listening experiment. I intend to hit the streets for more "free listening-free advice" soon (probably tomorrow) - but just because I have one experiment going doesn't mean I can't attempt another, right? Ten months ago, in a burst of personal development enthusiasm brought about by several nights of zealous consumption of the contents of Steve Pavlina's website, I decided to buy the PhotoReading Deluxe system. I was so inspired by what Steve Pavlina wrote about it (and the generous discount being offered) that I decided to give it a whirl - my life had been busier than I had ever experienced, and my time to read (something that I had always treasured) had all but evaporated. That was ten months ago, and all I have to show for it, at the moment, is a bunch of e-mails from the Learning Strategies corporation trying to get me to buy other stuff (OK - maybe I'm an easy target - I also bought a bunch of the Paraliminal CDs at the same time). Today Steve Pavlina re-offered the PhotoReading discount to readers of his site, and I've let that be my kick-in-the-ass to get started on the program. I bought it, after all! Plus, I figure that many of you will be interested to hear about how well the program works as you consider buying it, and this will be my opportunity to share my experience with you.
While the exact format of my review might change a little, what I'll probably do is create a new blog entry after I complete a given series of PhotoReading lessons. That way you'll get something of a chronicle of my experience - the successes, failures, questions, and answers generated as I learn to PhotoRead. Telling you about this experiment is also utilitzing another personal development strategy - I'm making an external commitment to this task, which'll make me much more likely to follow through. You're all going to come back to check up on my progress, right? Feel free to send comments or e-mails of encouragement (neil at neilsattin dot com).
So, I also wanted to tell you about Steve Pavlina - particularly because I keep mentioning him here, and many of you (if you haven't already visited his site) are probably wondering why the frequent mention. His website is full of great information about Personal Development (a particular passion of mine), and it's one of the chief reasons that I started this blog and my blog about dog training. When my friends ask me about why I'm blogging, he's one of the many examples that I use, because he's someone who basically started with a passion (Personal Development), started blogging, and within two and a half years he's making something like $1000 a DAY by writing about his passion. Now THAT'S the way to live, folks!
So one of my friends told me about Steve Pavlina last year (around the time that I bought the PhotoReading system), and I've spent quite a bit of time there over the months (though the bulk of the time was in the first few days of having discovered the site). I find what he writes to generally be really helpful - not just what he writes, but also in the way that he writes. I get the sense that he and I would probably get along pretty well if we ever met - given our mutual passion for "living the best life we can" and sharing our thoughts about said "best life pursuits" with others.
For those of you who want the quick summary of how people make a living through blogging (the rest of you can skip over the block quote), here it is:
- A blogger writes articles that provide something of value to their readers (most important part). Generally this works best if the blogger is writing about something about which they're personally passionate.
- The blogger often puts advertising on his site - when readers click on ads that interest them, the blogger makes money.
- The blogger can get sponsorship - i.e. someone or some company pays the blogger directly for promotion on the blog.
- Bloggers create affiliate relationships - for example, every time that someone takes advantage of the "Steve Pavlina discount" in order to get Photoreading, Steve makes a little $.
- Sometimes a blogger might use their blog to promote another service that they offer - like dog training or floatation tanks, for instance. Or they might give people the ability to donate directly to the cause.
- The blogger keeps writing things that people like to read.
- Readers tell other people about the blog, either directly or through sites like Digg,, or StumbleUpon.
- More people come, and the cycle continues.
I'll probably write more detail about blogging for a living in a later post - and tell you how things are going for me in that regard as well.
Even if I never meet Steve Pavlina (though it seems likely to happen at some point), the way that he has inspired me to pursue what I love (and blog about it) has already made its mark on my life. I'm psyched to be here, with all of you, sharing thoughts about life and the way to live it. Thanks Steve, for helping me get here.
Links to other parts of the PhotoReading Review:
- Review of Disc One of the PhotoReading Course.
- Review of Disc Two of the PhotoReading Course.
- Review of Disc Three of the PhotoReading Course.
- Review of Disc Four of the PhotoReading Course and the Talking to Win Paraliminal.
- Review of Disc Five of the PhotoReading Course and Natural Brillance by Paul Scheele.
- Review of Disc Six of the PhotoReading Course and Lucid Dreaming
- Review of Disc Seven of the PhotoReading Course.
- Review of Disc Eight of the PhotoReading Course and Deluxe versus Classic.