Finding a Team: You Don't Have to Do It Alone

In the Personal Development world, there is a lot of emphasis on personal power. You can take charge of your life! You can use the Law of Attraction to get what you want! You are the ultimate arbiter of your personal success or failure! Now all of this is true, of...

The Blessing of a Busted Laptop Computer

For the past four months, I've pretty much lived with my laptop computer at my side.  The internet is just a couple clicks away at any moment, which has made blogging (and keeping in touch with the world) relatively easy.  Any time I have a spare second - on with the...

Personal Productivity: Zen to Done Part One

Lately my wife and I have been looking around at our mountains of "things to do" and feeling a bit overwhelmed.  Now we've (all of us - you included!) have already discussed a way of tackling the feeling of being overwhelmed with all the goals/tasks on the road to...