And my star is born

Last year, during these very hours (January 23rd), my wife went full-on into labor.  We visited the midwife, did some last-minute grocery shopping, and came home to chill out (as best as our Hypnobirthing techniques enabled us to do).  By three in the morning on...

Hypnobirthing for the Birth Partner: Knowing what to do

With all of our Hypnobirthing training (five three-hour classes), I still experienced a bit of confusion about what I was actually going to DO when my wife was in labor.  It was helpful to hear the experiences of the other couples in our Hypnobirthing class (there...

Hypnobirthing: What a great way to arrive

I don't think I'll ever forget the way I felt when we saw the word "pregnant" flash on the digital readout of the pregnancy test.  My wife was only a few days "late" - so it was really a lark (or maybe a hunch) that propelled us to the local pharmacy to pick up a few...

Spiritual Healing in New York City

Toni, Dash, and I just returned from our trip to New York City, where we visited with friends, shopped a little, and saw the sights.  I had only been to NYC twice before (and neither time for very long); however, Toni used to live there, and I was really looking...

Dashiell Llindhe Sattin has arrived! is born too.

Kudos to you for coming back around – it’s been a long hiatus from blog-ville, though I bet you figured out what was going on in my absence.  That’s right…my son, Dashiell Llindhe (pronounced DASH-ul LIN-dee) entered the world in the wee morning hours of January 24th,...